NEWS: cantieri 2022 --> Realizzazione Ponte Sospeso e Skywalk nel Comune di Mezzocorona (TN)


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NEWS: cantieri 2022 --> Mitigazione del rischio di caduta massi in sinistra idraulica del fiume San Leonardo nel Comune di Termini Imerese (PA)


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IN EVIDENZA: lavori di consolidamento e riprofilatura parete rocciosa a monte della SS 237 in C.c. Comano Terme (TN)

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TOP STORIES: Construction of the Nozza-Vestone Cyclepath

Between 2019 and 2020, our company was involved in the construction of the new Nozza-Vestone cyclepath in Lombardy.

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TOP STORIES: Construction of the Lake Garda Cyclepath

Between 2016 and 2018, our company was involved in the construction of the Lake Garda cyclepath near Limone.

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TOP STORIES: Controlled Blasting of Unstable Rocks Near Trento

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TOP STORIES: Controlled Blasting of Unstable Rocks Near Pergine Valsugana

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Georock s.r.l.

Borzago, 35A - 38088. Spiazzo, Trentino - Italy.

Tel. e Fax: +39 0465801135
VAT Number: 01284930227

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